For those of you already waging war in the campaign, we've updated the Operation Report page with the report form. We'll have the form available for download in multiple formats in the near future but this should give you an idea of the information we're looking for when you submit your results.
We've made an effort to keep the form short & sweet so filling one out shouldn't take more than a few minutes. But don't let that stop you from expanding on the elements of the game that you love.
-If you've got beautifully painted models & terrain, show them off with extra photos taken from the battles! (Get the camera down to model-level and get those cinematic shots!)
-If the lore of the 40k universe is why you play, then include the stories of the battles you fought. (If your operation narrative is interesting enough we will write it into the Campaign's main story arch.)
-If you're a master tactician, write about your lists and the tactics that led to the battles outcome (just because you didn't win doesn't mean that there aren't valuable lessons to be learned).
So go forth, and play 40k in the way you enjoy it the most! Submit your efforts, and we will post your work on the campaign site for everyone to enjoy & draw inspiration from.
There may even be a few prizes for outstanding work... ; )
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